Lake Erie -> 2.0 Other Managed Species
Lake Erie 2.0 Other Managed Species
- Black Bass
- Muskellunge
- Rainbow Trout

Maintain a high-quality Black Bass fishery throughout the Lake Erie basin.
Angler catch rates for black bass remained above the targeted 0.5 fish-per-hour in most years and locations during 2016-2020 with stable trends.

Maintain a high-quality trophy-sized Muskellunge fishery in the St. Clair and Detroit River System (SCDRS), the Upper Niagara River, and selected nearshore areas in Lake Erie.
Angler catch rates for musky were at or below average in the Lake St. Clair System and Upper Niagara River and exhibited a declining trend during 2016-2020.

Maintain a put-grow-take Steelhead fishery in suitable Lake Erie tributaries and incidentally in the open lake.
Angler catch rates for rainbow trout (steelhead) in Lake Erie tributaries were well above the targeted 0.25 fish-per-hour during 2016-2020.